Some incidents seem beyond explanation, filling us with confusion rather than answers. It could be a bizarre tale from a reliable source or a disturbing situation we’ve personally encountered—such odd occurrences stick with us. Talking about them can bring comfort and serve as a form of healing.
Story 1
My son once said, “Mommy, a big man comes to my room at night. Tell him to go.” I brushed it off. Weeks later, I woke up at 3 a.m. to a noise from his room. I ran there and found him sitting on his bed, staring out the window and talking to himself. I glanced over and saw what looked like a human figure standing in the lit-up room of the apartment across the street.
My heart pounded, but when I looked closer, I realized it was just the arrangement of a lamp and furniture casting a shadow that resembled a person. I exhaled in relief and sat beside my son, reassuring him no one was coming into his room. As he drifted off to sleep, I took one final look, ensuring it was just a trick of the light.
Story 2
I was once sitting on the couch with my boyfriend and heard the words “I love you.” Then my boyfriend goes, “I love you too.” I was so utterly confused because I wasn’t the one who said “I love you.” My mouth was shut.
I remember hearing and feeling the vibrations of words and sounds being produced, but I wasn’t the one who did it, and neither was he. It sounded like a feminine voice, coming from right in front of my face, but no one was outside the window or in the room with us. It was creepy. I still think about it.
Story 3
My ex-wife and I bought an older house in the 1930s. We were renovating and had put some baseboards in the basement painted them, and left them to dry overnight.
The next morning, we looked at them, and it seemed like someone had taken a sharp knife and dragged it down the entire length of two of the baseboards, almost 8 feet each. The “blade” had gouged through the new paint, old paint, primer, and right down to the wood. It was just the two of us in the house.
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